Until today, Gmail accounts have been limited in storage at 10GB (personal) or 25GB (storage). This has been a recurring problem for some of our business customers who work with large attachments. Today, Google has announced a terrific solution.
Starting in a few weeks, Google Drive and Gmail storage are becoming unified. This has a few key impacts, but the most important one is that you can now expand the size of a Gmail or Google Apps mailbox by adding Google Drive storage. It also has a few other nice aspects:
- All mailboxes get a free bump in size from the default 5GB Drive accounts (personal Gmail goes from 10GB to 15GB and Google Apps mail goes from 25GB to 30GB)
- Users can presumably expand Gmail storage to up to 16 terabytes!
- Google+ photo galleries also use this space.
If you are interested in learning about how Google Apps can improve email service and productivity at your company, contact us today to learn more.
Source: Google Enterprise Blog