Computer Courage Helps Send Computers to Haiti (updated)

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(Update) – We received new pics of the students with the laptops, skip to the bottom to see them.

In the wake of the devastating earthquake in Haiti last year, over one million people in Haiti are homeless.  In the face of tragedy, some brave people like Serena Clayton from the California School Health Centers Association (a client of ours) manage to step up and make a difference.

Serena approached us a few weeks ago to ask if we could help refurbish some donated laptops (PC and Mac) so she could personally deliver them to a needy school in Haiti (one of her many volunteer trips to the country).  We proudly refurbished 5 laptops for the school to use, complete with fresh installations of the operating system, antivirus, and various free tools for the kids and teachers to use.

You can read more about the school (Kenscoff Heart of Worship School), the teacher (Robenson Cesar) and Serena’s experiences in Haiti here.

Update: Here are the new pics of the kids with the laptops: