Tips on Switching from Windows to Mac

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Computer Courage loves Mac and PC.  We troubleshoot, educate, backup, secure, and optimize both systems.  We’ve written in the past about Windows Vista vs OS X Leopard.  While Windows is still king in the market percentage game, especially for low budget users and businesses, Macs have been making extraordinary gains in market share, especially in the laptop division.  Schools are also an area where Macs are taking over, with over 60% of last year’s incoming UC Hastings class using Apple MacBooks.

For those of you who are making the switch, especially with Apple’s new Back to School promotion (read: great deals on new Macs for students,) Walt Mossberg (tech columnist for the Wall Street Journal,) has written a really nice article on making the switch to Mac.  He covers some basic but important (and sometimes hard to intuit) aspects of using OS X.  He answers common questions (like “How do I right-click?”) and advanced subjects like keyboard subjects.

Walt’s article is an excellent, short read – you can check it out here.

Some General Tips for Switching from Windows To Mac – Walt Mossberg