Obama Campaign iPhone App

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As most of you know, we at Computer Courage are quite fond of our iPhones and the applications that can be downloaded for the iPhone.   We’re currently using a slew of new applications such as WootWatch, Facebook 2.0, Sportacular, and FlyCast (listen to radio over WiFi or cellular network – very cool!)

Barack Obama says he represents a new set of ideas for America – that’s something we’re all pretty excited about.  Watching the politicians, particularly Senators Obama and McCains, from a technonological perspective has also been interesting.   Issues like net neutrality (learn about it here) are never going to make the TV debates, but they affect all of us and  the presidential hopefulls have very different views.  See this article by tech crunch for an overview.

Views aside, Obama just pushed the envelope with a new iPhone app that lets you take part in his campaign.  This is pretty impressive.  It encourages you to help out directly by donating (it helps you call a hotline, doesn’t let you enter your payment directly) and calling friends to pitch your option.  It even goes so far as to prioritize your address book so you can call friends in battleground states first – very smart.  Additionally, the application will allow you to see pictures and videos, read articles, receive updates, and do research on the issues.  Naturally, the application is free for all iPhone users.

We highly recommend everyone check out this app – if you don’t have an iPhone or iPod Touch, you can head over to www.barackobama.com to get a lot of the same content (and maybe make a donation?)